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That's an (UN)wrap!

Happy Friday friends!

Happy first day of fall! Even though it may be technically fall now, we all know that we probably won't be breaking out our cozy sweaters and booties until late October here in the Carolinas. But hey, I'll soak it up while I can!

One of my favorite things about playing around with clothes is finding different ways to style pieces that you wouldn’t expect to. For instance, this wrap dress. I know how wrap styled dress was such a big trend this past summer and everyone said they were soooo flattering, but for some reason, this dress didn’t do it for me as a wrap dress. 

I loved the pattern of the dress so much and hated that it didn’t work as a dress for me. I was walking around my apartment with the dress untied thinking of how I could make this work and then it hit me, just leave it untied! The dress is the perfect length on me to make a long kimono without dragging on the ground. I tied up the string that would be used to wrap the dress around so they wouldn’t drag and then next thing you know it I had a kimono!

I love how dramatic this make shift kimono is and decided to pair it off with a simple black tank and shorts. I loved the juxtaposition of the short and long lines of the outfit together! 

How do you like to transform and wear clothing pieces differently than how they are intended to be? Let me know in the comments down below! I hope you all have a great weekend and as always, thank you for reading!


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