"Entering the new year
is like going into a big and almost
unfamiliar room."
Faith Baldwin
Evening Star
"Having tried to travel light,
I hope I haven't brought the brittle,
broken disappointments with me--
they can cut like glass--
or the faded shopworn things
that should have been thrown out long since."
Faith Baldwin
"But some old things, the good ones,
without which the new-year room
would be very empty,
are the qualities,
and attachments we have cherished;
these fit into the room
like a hand in a glove."
Faith Baldwin
"Love and loyalty--
a quality rarer than one thinks--
remembered without embarrassment,
and joy recalled,
without mourning."
Faith Baldwin
"No new room becomes one into which we
can fit with ease
and live with security
if it lacks these."
Faith Baldwin
"It is easier said than done,
this moving only the good memories
into the new room,
compelling oneself to discard the unhappy ones.
But I find as the years go past
and I move from one year's room into another,
that I manage to take less with me
of the things I do not need
and should never have kept."
Faith Baldwin
Shall we travel light
into the unfamiliar room of
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