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Random Thoughts

The above photo is located in the corner of my kitchen.  My sister gave me the chickens.  These chickens are special because I do not have to feed them or clean up after them, ha ha.  The little table and stool/chair were made by my father-in-law when our daughter was about a two years old.  At the time, it was the perfect size for a tiny child.  She used to sit and eat her breakfast while watching Sesame Street (free babysitter).  I would blitz through the house like a mad woman trying to clean as much as possible.  If I completed all of my morning tasks, I would be able to knit during her nap or playtime. This excellent cleaning strategy never worked with my son.

Yesterday was such a lovely day outside.  On my walk with Frodo, I soaked in the bit of sun that peaked out and took pleasure in knowing that spring is here and winter has gone (sigh).  Maybe next year we will have snowfall?  I have given up for this year-it's just too warm.  My goal this spring is to be outside- weather permitting-every day before the heat waves start.  Then I will be hibernating again.

Today I'm going to recycle and while I am there, I'll be "thrifting" for some books.  The recycling center has a huge bin of hard and soft covered books.  I find it amazing what people will throw out.  Especially classic books! Once finished, I'll be making the rounds at the thrift stores.  I don't have anything in particular in mind.  Just a bit of aimless browsing before lunch.  

What are you going to do today?

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